Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Ghost or Predessor chi at Assisted Living Facility

The team and I are going out this weekend to clear and Feng Shui an apartment within an assisted living facility. It appears that everyone who moves into this apartment dies within a year, the client who is moving into the apartment would like to live longer than a year after she moves in. They say they hear things in the apartment and often you can hear a door opening and closing when no one is home. It will be interesting to feel the energy of the space, find out if there are any spirits in the space and what the Feng Shui and the building and apartment are like. Any suggestions ?

1 comment:

  1. I would look outside of the building, too, to see who/what is hanging on. I feel like there is a vortex that is preventing the crossing over of the previous occupants, as well as something associated with the land outside. I've done some work with assisted living facilities myself, and used a variety of crystals to form a protective shield for the entire building.
